

「建 孝三 ギター教室」は、浦安市・市川市・船橋市などにお住まいの方のみならず、多くの方に気軽にギターに触れていただきたいと思っています。




  • 教室内風景

  • 教室内風景

  • さまざまなギターがあります


  1. 建 孝三

ベトナム、ボリビア、チリなどで開催された ギターフェスティバルでコンサートやマスタークラス、またスペイン「第17回コマルカ・エル・コンダード国際ギターコンクール」、チェコ「Guitar Across Styles 2017」、ギリシャ「第8回アリオン国際ギターフェスティバル」、ベトナム「Alma International Guitar Competition」「Sakurai Kohno International Guitar Competition 」などの国際コンクールにおいて審査員を務める。国内においては活発な演奏活動のほか、スペインギター音楽コンクール、クラシカルギター・コンクール(ゲスト審査員)、東京国際ギターコンクール(第2次予選審査員)の審査員を務める。

    In addition to winning the Tokyo International Guitar Competition sponsored by the Japan Guitar Federation (Public Interest Incorporated Association), he also received the Minister of Education Award and the Spanish Ambassador's Cup. Study abroad in France. He received many advices in various places from Alberto Ponce, Jose Thomas, Oscar Guillia, Jose Luis Rodrigo, Baltasar Benitez, and Narciso Yepes. He also attends the Santiago de Compostela International Music Class in Spain as a scholarship student. After returning to Japan, he started a unique recital activity. He has released a number of contemporary works and premiered "Concerto for Classical Guitar and Jazz Trio" (Claude Boring), "Aranjuez Concerto" using the world's first synthesizer (Joaquín Rodrigo), and commissioned works. In addition to performing with the flute master Alain Marion, he has performed with the American Club Orchestra (Mauro Giuliani's Guitar Concerto) and the Tokyo City Philharmonic (Joaquín Rodrigo's Aranjuez Concerto). He is active in a wide range of activities such as concerts at embassies and appearances on NHKFM. Since expanding his activities overseas, he has performed in 12 countries around the world, including France, Spain, and Russia. In particular, he received an award for his contribution to the development of the guitar from Ho Chi Minh City Culture Center, Vietnam. Invited by the Czech Republic composer and guitarist Jiří Jirmal, he gave recitals in five locations including Prague, Czech Republic. Three of them are concerts commemorating the 87 years old anniversary of Jiří Jirmal's birth, performing his representative works such as "Baden Jazz Suite". Concerts and master classes at guitar festivals held in Vietnam, Bolivia, Chile, etc. He served as a jury at Spain "International Guitar Competition COMARCA EL CONDADO", Czech Republic "Guitar Across Style 2017", Vietnam “Alma International Guitar Competition” and “Sakurai Kohno International Guitar Competition”, Greece"Arion International Guitar Competition ". In addition to his active performance activities in Japan, he has served as a jury at the Spanish Guitar Music Competition, the Classical Guitar Competition (guest), and the Tokyo International Guitar Competition (second qualifying round).